Jamie Ledwell
2009-11-30 04:43:27 UTC
I am trying to create an outline in Word. I click on 'Bullets and
Numbering' and select a format on the 'Outline Numbered' tab. Word
creates a roman numeral 1 correctly. I type my first heading and press
the 'enter' key expecting it to create roman numeral 2. It doesn't it
just exits out of the outline back into paragraph mode. What am I
doing wrong? I've tried this and get the same results in both Word
2000 and 2007. The only way I've found I can get it to stay in outline
mode is to keep an extra character to the right of the cursor, when I
press enter.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Numbering' and select a format on the 'Outline Numbered' tab. Word
creates a roman numeral 1 correctly. I type my first heading and press
the 'enter' key expecting it to create roman numeral 2. It doesn't it
just exits out of the outline back into paragraph mode. What am I
doing wrong? I've tried this and get the same results in both Word
2000 and 2007. The only way I've found I can get it to stay in outline
mode is to keep an extra character to the right of the cursor, when I
press enter.
Thanks in advance for the help.